Mars retrograde in Aries squaring Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn is going to cause some very uncomfortable, yet absolutely necessary, disruptions to your life. This will revolve around your structures and self-discipline, your knowledge and acceptance, and will usher in a whole transformation and renewal of your soul and identity (or the soul's identity). As well as your physical drive, passions and assertions. Challenges and blockages are likely going to come from leaders/rulers (both domestic and foreign), bosses, dominant male figures, teachers/gurus/religious figures, and/or public figures. Secrets will arise and your drive and determination will be put to the test.
Fire and Earth energy is the magma or volcano of the zodiac. Magma is an extremely hot semi-liquid resting underneath the Earth's surface. When under pressure it becomes explosive and destructive. One of the results of a volcanic eruption is the creation of new land, and sometimes in areas where there was none. It's laying down the foundations for a better, more vibrant future for life to flourish.
Do you have the strength to keep fighting when nobody else is on your side? Can you stand alone in your power with confidence? This is all about The Self, and fighting for your rights and liberties, whatever that may be for you. There's going to be resistance from the outside, so you'll have to push a little harder. Mars retrograde is a time of reflection, but with the three planets in Capricorn all going direct in the next month they will create even more tension on Mars. There will be a lot of expectations out of you from higher ups, and you may not have all of the strength to show up or put up a defense. I'd advise that you do show up anyway if it's in alignment with your purpose. Pluto will try to force you into submission, Saturn will try to dominant your plans and your future, and Jupiter will question your own knowledge and intellect. This is a time of rebuilding and restructuring the areas of your life where these transits are taking place in your birth chart (and every other chart). Don't expect to see a whole lot of external progression for the rest of this year as far as personal accomplishments go. However you can expect to see your internal fears, blockages, and personal defeats having more opportunities to be worked on and overcome. Remember to keep working towards your goals while taking the necessary breaks as needed. Just because you may not be able to physically manifest at a fast rate, you are manifesting even faster in the internal structure of The Self. This is a very potent and powerful time, as this entire year has been since the great Saturn-Pluto event, so going at YOUR pace when able is important for your karmic growth. The Sun was also in conjunction with Saturn-Pluto so the events of this year are very personal to each and everyone of us. It's time to get a little selfish! Mars retrograde is a time to self-reflect on your personal goals and pursuits. A time to re-evulate your relationships and your place within them. A time to get rid of the old to welcome in the new. What no longer is working for you will fall away if you allow it. Make peace with your past, present and within your relationships. Cut the cords or make the necessary changes. All in all, you've got the strength and power to get through all of this!!Dates:
July 25th: Mars enters shadow period
August 24th: Mars square Saturn
September 9th: Mars station retrograde
September 29th: Mars square Saturn
October 9th: Mars square Pluto
October 19th: Mars square Jupiter
November 13th: Mars station direct
December 23rd: Mars square Pluto
January 2, 2021: Mars leaves shadow period
This will affect ALL signs, but especially the Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Capricorn), and any planetary placements that are between degrees 19°-26° of the Cardinal signs. Check your chart to see where (House) and how (Sign) this will affect you. Be sure to look for any aspects being made to your PERSONAL planets as well. Harmonious or positive aspects show an ease of energies, and Disharmonious or negative aspects will show a struggle of energies; Good or bad.