Hello, I will be moving my blog to a new website. Stay tuned for the link.
Goat Astrology
Astrology & Horoscopes
Friday, December 11, 2020
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
⚖️♎✨ Libra ✨♎⚖️
The reasonable and the refined. Libras are the harmonizers and peacemakers of the Zodiac. Wherever Libra falls in your chart is the place where you'll find Partnerships, Reasoning, and Diplomacy. It's a place of Compromise and Judgement. It's the Balancing of our Relationships, Partnerships, and Cooperations. Libra’s symbol is The Scales. The Scales, as an inanimate object, represents the balancing act of life. Considering others, and fighting for social justices. The Scales are our interests, options, and judgements. Libra acts on behalf of beauty and peace. Venus is the Ruler of Libra. She is our Pleasures, Creativity and Aesthetics. Libra is our first indication of others; the first identification of our relationships. The Scales are our ability to combine and hold two opposing forces into a peaceful and fair balance.
"I balance…”
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Musical Influences of the Zodiac Signs - YouTube Video Series [SCORPIO]
Thursday, August 27, 2020
👧♍✨ Virgo ✨♍ 👧
The adaptable and practical. Virgos are the perfectionists and servitors of the Zodiac. Wherever Virgo falls in your chart is the place where you'll find Habits, Routines, and Work Ethic. It's a place of Service and Skill. It's the Analysis of our Improvements, Productivity, Organizations, and Systems. Virgo’s symbol is The Virgin (or The Maiden). The Virgin is sensible, practical, precise and efficient. Working hard and providing the goods. The Virgin is our order, our needs, and our discernment. Virgo is the dirt under our nails. Mercury is the Ruler of Virgo. It is our Improvements, Intelligence, and Adaptability. Virgo is our first indication of health; the first identification of our habits. The Virgin is our selfless actions and how we work together with others.
"I serve..."
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Issues with Labels
Hello everyone, I'm having some issues with the "Labels" to the right. I'm unable to create or add certain labels to the posts so as you can see a lot of things are missing. Apparently I'm able to add up to 5,000 labels per blog post, but some words won't add to the list. I'll try to get it resolved asap.
Mars Retrograde September 9 - November 13
Mars retrograde in Aries squaring Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn is going to cause some very uncomfortable, yet absolutely necessary, disruptions to your life. This will revolve around your structures and self-discipline, your knowledge and acceptance, and will usher in a whole transformation and renewal of your soul and identity (or the soul's identity). As well as your physical drive, passions and assertions. Challenges and blockages are likely going to come from leaders/rulers (both domestic and foreign), bosses, dominant male figures, teachers/gurus/religious figures, and/or public figures. Secrets will arise and your drive and determination will be put to the test.
Fire and Earth energy is the magma or volcano of the zodiac. Magma is an extremely hot semi-liquid resting underneath the Earth's surface. When under pressure it becomes explosive and destructive. One of the results of a volcanic eruption is the creation of new land, and sometimes in areas where there was none. It's laying down the foundations for a better, more vibrant future for life to flourish.
Do you have the strength to keep fighting when nobody else is on your side? Can you stand alone in your power with confidence? This is all about The Self, and fighting for your rights and liberties, whatever that may be for you. There's going to be resistance from the outside, so you'll have to push a little harder. Mars retrograde is a time of reflection, but with the three planets in Capricorn all going direct in the next month they will create even more tension on Mars. There will be a lot of expectations out of you from higher ups, and you may not have all of the strength to show up or put up a defense. I'd advise that you do show up anyway if it's in alignment with your purpose. Pluto will try to force you into submission, Saturn will try to dominant your plans and your future, and Jupiter will question your own knowledge and intellect. This is a time of rebuilding and restructuring the areas of your life where these transits are taking place in your birth chart (and every other chart). Don't expect to see a whole lot of external progression for the rest of this year as far as personal accomplishments go. However you can expect to see your internal fears, blockages, and personal defeats having more opportunities to be worked on and overcome. Remember to keep working towards your goals while taking the necessary breaks as needed. Just because you may not be able to physically manifest at a fast rate, you are manifesting even faster in the internal structure of The Self. This is a very potent and powerful time, as this entire year has been since the great Saturn-Pluto event, so going at YOUR pace when able is important for your karmic growth. The Sun was also in conjunction with Saturn-Pluto so the events of this year are very personal to each and everyone of us. It's time to get a little selfish! Mars retrograde is a time to self-reflect on your personal goals and pursuits. A time to re-evulate your relationships and your place within them. A time to get rid of the old to welcome in the new. What no longer is working for you will fall away if you allow it. Make peace with your past, present and within your relationships. Cut the cords or make the necessary changes. All in all, you've got the strength and power to get through all of this!!Dates:
July 25th: Mars enters shadow period
August 24th: Mars square Saturn
September 9th: Mars station retrograde
September 29th: Mars square Saturn
October 9th: Mars square Pluto
October 19th: Mars square Jupiter
November 13th: Mars station direct
December 23rd: Mars square Pluto
January 2, 2021: Mars leaves shadow period
This will affect ALL signs, but especially the Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Capricorn), and any planetary placements that are between degrees 19°-26° of the Cardinal signs. Check your chart to see where (House) and how (Sign) this will affect you. Be sure to look for any aspects being made to your PERSONAL planets as well. Harmonious or positive aspects show an ease of energies, and Disharmonious or negative aspects will show a struggle of energies; Good or bad.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
The Beirut Dock Explosion Event Chart
In this post I will be deciphering the event chart of the recent explosion at Port de Beyrouth in Beirut, Lebanon on August 4, 2020 at 6:08pm. I will go over a few things that struck out to me. Since there isn’t enough information as to why this happened, I don’t want to make predictions or assumptions (and I lack knowledge on the country), so I will give my insight into what I believe is happening. Please feel free to leave a comment with your interpretation(s). I’m an amateur astrologer, and I mostly learn and discover new things on a ”need to know” basis, so my knowledge can be limited.
I would like to first point out that for the past week I've had an uncomfortable feeling lingering in my stomach. It feels like having anxious butterflies. I have no real explanation or reassurance as to why, but I do have reason to believe it's something to do with my personal life. Even then I feel that this was just way too heavy. Yesterday morning I first saw footage of the explosion on Instagram, and those feelings quickly rushed to the surface. I’m not sure if that was my gut affirming anything, or just my own reaction to something that looked so undeniably horrifying. My second thought when seeing the video was thinking either that’s a bomb or a horrible accident. So let's take a look.
A black leopard with green eyes.
Total intensity of inward and outward endeavor. Goal oriented, plans-intensive. Schematic, premeditated, comprehensive. Elaborately sophisticated at implementing vision in action. Aware of your own position--standing above, seeing it all, and magnificent at putting everything together. An old karmic knack coming in handy. A past master in the arts of manifestation. The emperor. Astute, adroit, keenly observant. So strategic and clever and cool. -"Inside Degrees" by Ellias Lonsdale
*Capricorn Ascendant at 18°44'
Capricorn represents government, authority, and structure. The long anticipated conjunction event of Pluto and Saturn at 22° (the "killed or be killed" degree) that occurred on January 12, 2020 was set to unearth and disrupt the systems within the the world's governments. Mainly in attempts to weed out long-standing corruption and oppression, but it can also result in world leaders imposing dictatorial rulership. Lebanon is facing an economic crisis as a result from decades of civil unrest. If you read the linked articles in this paragraph you'll get an idea of what kind of issues they've been facing over the years. The degree of Scorpio is 18°00'; This degree represents violence, loss, and illness. Events can happen through very extreme means as Scorpio, ruled by Pluto and Mars, deals with uprooting and transforming through aggressive measures. Both planets are associated with war and destruction, and they rule over human's primal behaviors.
Officials were aware that 2,750 tonnes of confiscated Ammonium Nitrate were being stored at the port in unsafe conditions since 2014. "Customs officials had written to legal authorities six times requesting for the dangerous cargo be removed from the port, but the requests went unheeded." (source: CNN). At this moment we don't know why or how this even occurred, but it's been stated that there was a warehouse fire. It's evident that this was a ticking time bomb.
*Jupiter[℞] (Capricorn) sextile Neptune[℞] (Pisces) +0°.46’, Mars (Aries) semi-sextile Neptune[℞] (Pisces) -0°43’
Gasses from the blast are toxic, and can be fatal. The blast has said to have reached as far as 9 km, and was recorded as a 3.3 magnitude earthquake. Nitrate affects the respiratory system (Neptune). Sextiles, much like Trines, create an easy and creative flow between the planets in question. It doesn’t necessarily mean positive outcomes though. Ease has nothing to do with the negative or positive polarities, but everything to do with the way in which the energy flows. Although trines and sextile are more harmonious than aspects like opposition or square. There’s no resistance here between Neptune, Jupiter and Mars. There's much confusion behind this (Pisces/Neptune), and there were even attempts to create illusion by some media outlets, stating that fireworks were stored in warehouse. At the same time, Pisces/Neptune is compassion. It deals with our higher selves and purpose, and our connection to what is above us. Countries and organizations have already offered to step in, and I think we can expect more aid and assistance to be offered over the coming weeks. Let's also note that this was a HUGE explosion (Jupiter), from past/current (retrogrades) mishandling.
Someone performing trephination.
The head densely holds the patterns of the past as fixed routes. There are points along the journey where everything must be dropped and where all previous experience becomes no longer applicable. You are treated to a destiny-surge of power which obliterates the traces of petty limitation and habitual tracks. A radical departure into the infinite unknown becomes the only way to go. As the ego-mind no longer bears the authority to command and dictate and coerce, vision is released, awareness becomes visceral, everything lights up directly. And as the old carcass is removed, the universal life-force streams in, giving a much brighter angle and leaning to move with. Identity smashed to make room for totality in a fresh and uninhibited expression and embodiment of its call, and in its need for those who can drop everything and tune right in to what wants to emerge here, of itself. -"Inside Degrees" by Ellias Lonsdale
*Mars (Aries) square Ascendant (Capricorn) +1°.01’, Mars (Aries) square Jupiter[℞] (Capricorn) +0°.02’, Mars (Aries) square Pluto[℞] (Capricorn) -3°.29’
Jupiter is amping up the energy of Mars (provocation, action, aggression); This results in a loss or accident from careless action. Together these two energies become very energetic and are eager to take action. However, overexertion results burn out. Between Mars and the AC there are power struggles, and an inability or difficulty to adapt to the powers that be. Resistance or susceptibility to manipulation and/or control. Squares always create tension, good or bad, although usually the later. And man, these two signs really don't give a fuck! They love to assert their dominance as they are Cardinal signs. Much greatness and success can come from them, but when they're mad they are MAD. And everything that deals with Capricorn for at least the last 2 years is big mad. Aries is just always mad so that's irrelevant. Saturn has been retrograding in Capricorn for couple months now, after he put his toes in Aquarius's stream back in the Spring. That must've gave him some insight into the future. He was like, oh yeah we're totally going to create restrictions on the internet and how we communicate, but he knew it wasn't going to be that easy. So you know what he did? He said, "hold my beer, Aquarius" and backflipped off of a fucking cliff. This dude is on a mission and he works HARD on every damn mission he goes on. Mars is like, oh hell NAH! You already left the party my friend, and you left a big scar on mankind. Capricorn is still eagerly trying to impose more and more control on the people, but Aries and Mars are finally fed up. Chiron and Lilith are telling Aries, you need to do something about Saturn, because we're tired of being told what to do and where we can and can't go. And it's no thanks to Pluto's reckless revenge on the elites either. There's nothing any of us can do about Pluto, so Mars knows he has to step up and save everybody. When Mars goes retrograde, that's when it begins. They're battling it out now. It's Aries/Mars/Pluto vs Capricorn/Saturn.
*Ascendant conjunct Jupiter[℞] +1°.0' in Capricorn
Jupiter expands everything it touches, and the AC at the Scorpio degree of 18 basically imploded a violent eruption. Although Jupiter is a jovial planet and is typically seen as a sign of good fortune, I tend to experience the opposite with this guy. He likes to exaggerate or over emphasis everything. He likes to play games, and usually doesn't take things too seriously. Jupiter is often called a failed star, and is mostly made of hydrogen. He sort of acts as a second-Sun. In Roman mythology he’s known as “King of the gods”, and Greek mythology Jupiter is Zeus. He’s seen as god that resides over the sky. Now let me tell ya'll that Zeus isn’t all fucking jolly, that man was a savage. He swallowed his own children! How is that "good fortune"?
On the other hand, I can see this as people coming together and rising to the occasion. People will most definitely be held accountable, but will they be prosecuted and held liable? This one can't just be swept under the rug with a slap on the wrist. Even if it were an accident it doesn't justify the fact that chemicals were stored there and no prompt or immediate action was taken to ensure the safety of Beirut. They have to address this.
The mouth of the Amazon River.
Rarely can you get to the central place and stay there. But if destiny is fast and free, you do abide in the heart of creation and you never leave this spot. A host of virtues and gifts are showered upon you as you hold this post with supreme impersonal self-command. The most outstanding of these qualities is a faith and confidence in the powers that be, which can move any mountain. And accompanying this trait is an unworldliness which hosts or orchestrates a threshold awareness, an open door between worlds. You entirely live for the cosmic, the universal, the inner sourcespring. And what you perceive along this path is how everything goes out from here over all the world, but everything returns to here. So that the highest and the truest can once again be sparkled into the shared stream and known to be pulsatingly alive and self-renewing, in the most rapturous gesture of moving with whatever is asked. -"Inside Degrees" by Ellias Lonsdale
*Sun conjunct Pandora in Leo +0°.01’
Unexpected consequences from careless actions with this conjunction. The Sun, which illuminates everything it touches, brought Beirut to everyone’s attention. Lebanon has experienced unrest for years, but when was the last time you heard about them? The confiscated explosive materials were stored unsafely for 6 years at the dock.. Is it a coincidence that Pandora’s ruler is Aries I think not. Pandora represents: temptation, curiosity, and fear of the truth. Pandora unleashes what it touches, and nobody is ever ready for it. Temptation may make a person lash out or jump into action without any real provocation. Lacks discretion, almost fearless. Although I see Pandora as more of the subconscious side of Aries, so this energy can be seen as naive.
The Sabian symbol of Pandora is “An Unexploded Bomb Reveals An Unsuccessful Social Protest.” In the discovery chart of Pandora, Uranus is square the Nodes showing a shock to the system which can go either way. Releasing the truth can propel things into revolutionary change or trigger instability – maybe both. It also demonstrates Pandora’s rebellious act of opening the box despite being told not to do it.
Something will come to surface from this that is beyond just storing explosive materials incorrectly. Which I'm sure by now is evident to us. Leo rules the Sun, and they both occupy Rulership and Leadership. Leo is the King. He is also the ego, the human expression. It's almost as if someone(?) literally opened Pandora's box. They really wanted to see what was going to happen. Although they had noooooo idea what dangers were being kept hidden and away. Of course, the Sun meets up with Pandora once a year, but let's consider how the other planets were aligned at the time (thus this chart), this isn't just something that just "happens."
Let me point out that 75 years ago (a Diamond Jubilee) in 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan. One year before that though, there was a cargo ship carrying various items including over 1,000 tonnes of explosives. The ship caught fire and exploded at the docks in Bombay. It also happened to be a leap year. So I started to look into explosion-related events that occurred roughly every 75 years and on a leap year, and I have made some progress. There is a connection, and I'll be looking into the astrology once I learn about the events first. Just considering how planetary alignments alone can show repeated events, like pandemic/epidemic connections to Saturn-Pluto conjunctions, we can look into past events to see if there is a correlation.
Let us never forget that the SUN was right there with Saturn and Pluto during their conjunction this year. The Sun hasn't been around any Pluto-Saturn conjunctions in the last 100 years (it came close once, and if you consider the Sun being in conjunction with anything in the same sign, yeah it happened one other time, but I'm telling y'all not like this not this close). This isreally is highlighting all our issues within' us, within' our government, and within' our society.
*Mars conjunct Mean Lilith[℞] -1°.32’ in Aries
Mars will spend the rest of the year in the sign of Aries. Lilith and Chiron are residing here as well, and early this year I had made the prediction that Mars and Lilith meeting up several times this year will be fatal. Aries = Mankind, war/aggression and Lilith = Dark Feminine/Goddess. Mars will begin to retrograde in September, and with Lilith coming into contact with Mars several times, we can expect to see social uprisings against authority, and increased overall tensions among humanity and societies. The last time Mars and Lilith met up in Aries was back in 2011, and the world saw the rise of social protests such as the Arab Springs. Mars and Aries are aggressive energies, so sometimes things can result in violence. Regardless, it’s clear that the major events currently taking place are radically changing, not just us personally or our country, but the entire planet.
*True Lilith[℞] is sitting at 29°21’ in Aries
29° in any sign is seen as a Critical or Anaretic degree. It is associated with “jumping in too quickly.” Poor choices, major difficulties, extreme situations, chaotic results, and a crisis.
For now, I will stop here...
An aerial view of the destroyed port after two massive Aug. 4 explosions in Beirut, Aug. 5, 2020. The explosions rocked downtown Beirut, flattening much of the port, damaging buildings and blowing out windows and doors as a giant mushroom cloud rose above the capital Hussein Malla/AP
Friday, July 31, 2020
Astrology Aspects: Opposition 180°
Aries is the 1st zodiac sign, it's the beginning and representation of Mankind. Libra, Aries's opposite or sister sign, is the Union of two men or polarities. Libra's symbol is The Scales for a reason. Libra/Aries are literally in the middle of the zodiac when you look at a wheel chart, holding together and weighing both sides of the fence (or the top and bottom halves of a chart). As Above, So Below. Everything in this universe and within this dimension has polarity. Good and bad, male and female, light and dark; So by understanding this dynamic we can better understand how the sister signs of the zodiac and the opposition aspect operates. Too much of one side creates an imbalance. Too much good isn't really all that good. You need a little evil (everything related to primal instinct, which isn't actually "evil" in the same sense as what's "good" can mean different things to different people) to bring some order and purpose to life. They say there are only two emotions, love & hate, and every feeling and emotion are branches from either force. Evil comes from hate, as well as fear and egoism. If you had no fear, you'd have no purpose. Because purpose is a reasoning with life that "I might not make it" so further action needs to be taken to avoid our own death aka failures. How often has doing or being "good" benefitted those seeking success? How often does "doing the right thing" and "following all the rules" got people to the top? We'd be surprised if we knew the types of sacrifices people had to make, the rules that needed to be broken, and the corners that needed to be cut for one to come out on top. Kingdoms are toppled and wars are won through "evil", no matter the agenda. Now, that's not to say someone who always does good won't become successful, because a good mindset is necessary to live a happy and fulfilling life, but we all know that saying "nice guys finish last." And yes, some people have karmic contracts to live an "always do good" lifestyle, that's for them though. This is just an overall and general outlook on the matter.
So getting back on track, oppositions work best when the polarities are being worked together to create the balance that's needed. However, sometimes we need to (and inevitably will do) experience both extremes of the polarity in order for us to know or find that balance. Without experience, do you even know? Think of it like a seesaw (I know, fucking cliché), they're kinda fun though right? One person sits opposite from one another on a piece of wood or whatever, and when one decides to apply force (or exert their power/strengths) it pulls the seesaw down, forcing the other person up off the ground. When the one who exerts their force decides to let go, it allows the other person on the opposite end to regain their power and strength and thus they can participate in enforcing their energy as well. When they work together, they're able to take turns, each time gaining new perspectives and experiences. This can be fun for a while as the constant going back and forth allows you to enforce and not enforce the energy. Of course, an opposition is considered be a "hard" or "disharmonious" aspect, meaning it's not an easy one to master. So for most it probably isn't all that fun as you are having two separate or dual energies facing off with one another. But I personally find an opposition to be something of a good thing. It brings the opportunity to see both sides.
When we implement a planetary opposition into our world, and this will appear as a transit or can be found in someone's natal chart, you're having to face a situation with a clear view (simply put). Whether or not you're fully "aware" of this, you'll go through scenarios that are closely tied to the energies of that placement. For example, when the transiting Sun is opposite your natal Moon (which happens once a year for everyone), you'll become more aware of your personal feelings and emotions, and may even be a little more sensitive during that time. If this is happening in the 1st House and 7th House, it'll be linked to your personal life and the life of others. I'd see this as how your emotions and identity fit in in this dualistic world (as Aries/1st House and Libra 7th/House represent the Duality [Libra] of Man [Aries]). Your actions and ego (Sun) may show you where these feelings and emotions (Moon) stem from, and it'll give you an opportunity to work on or nurture anything that needs attention. Since the Sun is our life force and source of light, this particular transit isn't one you can just run and hide from. It's like a personal Full Moon (and now that I think about it, does the Sun ever eclipse our natal moon? ). However, humans do have free will, so it's really up the natal what actions they do or don't take (physically, mentally and spiritually).
The Sun illuminates everything it touches, highlighting all the energies of that object. It leaves nothing off the table. It's not just planets that play a role in astrology, but asteroids do too. Even mathematical points in the sky. Mathematics is a major key to the creation of the universe. If you think about it, everything is made from numbers, lines and shapes. It's what forms the sounds and vibrations of creation. The sound "Aum/Om" is said to be the first sound, the sound of all life. All planets and objects, including ourselves, other life forms, and our man-made material junk all give off a vibrational frequencies. Sound can only be made from light, and the Sun provides a shit ton of that for us (Jupiter does too, it's like a mini second Sun-ish, but that's for another time). Everything has a mathematical equation to show it's existence, even if scientists haven't figured them out yet.
As you could imagine it's hard to ignore Sun transits, because basically the Sun is the major driving force to all of life. But let's take a planet that's controversial in both in Astrology and Astronomy, the infamous planet-ish Pluto. Pluto is Death in the flesh, or err I guess rock, and he operates in the under realms. Far off and out of sight of our own human existence (ok, just our eyeballs). He's the gatekeeper between life and death (Neptune is the gatekeeper between the spiritual and material). When Pluto is in opposition to your natal Moon, this may end up playing out on subconscious levels, and it could even distort or manipulate your own perceptions of reality. You may be forced to face your own fears and the darker sides of life. It'll change and transform what you care about and how it makes you feel.
The things we hate or don't like is still a feeling, and anything you give feeling to is something you care about. For most people we tend to run away from things that don't feel good even if we're the ones creating the feeling. At least, we may think we're running away from it, but really we're just ignorantly ignoring it. For some, times of opposition can be a challenge (especially if fixed energy is dominant in your chart), but approaching them properly can yield more favorable, and karmically profitable, results. Use them as an opportunity to fix or see through on what needs our immediate attention. The great thing about astrology is that it's all prediction based, whether or not everyone will agree with that statement, we use past events (aka experiences) to foretell current or future outcomes. Sun opposition to your natal Mercury? The Sun is illuminating your rational mind, so take the conscious effort to evaluate what's coming to the surface. Sun opposite Mars? Your drives and passions are highlighted, and the actions you need to take can come into your awareness. You'll know what needs to be done, but that thing called free will need some enforcement as well. However, I do believe that certain outcomes are inevitable, as the only thing that's certain is death. But how you get there is completely dependent on your circumstances, mindset and personal drive.
In the smallest and simplest conclusion, Oppositions are opportunities to refresh or gain new perspectives in order to bring/create balance between two opposing, mutual, forces. Resistance to this will result in oppression, and oppression will result in stress. The key is to discover both sides of the fence and find their middle ground. Drawing the line in the sand, coming to a conclusion. An alchemist point of view for an opposition is to remain neutral, accept that life is dualistic with opposing forces, and us humans are in the middle of that chaos eagerly trying to figure out how to integrate these forces into our everyday lives.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
🦁♌✨ Leo ✨♌🦁
The brave and courageous. Leos are the lovers and entertainers of the Zodiac. Wherever Leo falls in your chart is the place where you'll find Talents, Pleasures, and Romance. It's a place of Joy and Affection. It's the Childhood of our Innocence, Creativity, Self-expression, Determination, and Strength. Leo's symbol is The Lion. The Lion is loud, proud and bold. Facing it's fears and protecting it's pride. The Lion is our leadership, our dominance, our dignity, and our vitality. Leo is the heart on our sleeve, and where our willpower lies. The Sun is the Ruler of Leo. He is our Father, Grandfather, Husband, and Leader. He is our first indication of strength; the first identification of the ego. Our Fathers are our heroes and convinctions. How he leads us is how we will lead ourselves and others.
"I will..."
Friday, July 3, 2020
✨Moon Phases✨
The moon's phases and her moods. Timing your rituals, manifestations, and menstruation cycles with the moon's phases can assist in more favorable outcomes. Mindfulness is consciousness.
"Can't expect you to understand.
The darkness of the new moon.
The shadows of the waning.
You flow with the Sun.
What is a day compared to a month?
There is an entire world
to what it means to be
a woman."